Spearheading child right advocacy
The Child Rights Network for Southern Africa (CRNSA) was established as a key output of the Second Southern Africa Conference on child rights, held at the Pan African Parliament in Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, on 12 November 2012.
Who we are
CRNSA is the regional representative of national children’s rights networks in Southern Africa. We have been tasked with promoting practices and policies that fulfil children’s rights and welfare through national child rights networks across the sub-continent. We engage with national child rights networks operating in member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) as well as with regional and international institutions such as the African Union (AU), the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC), the Pan African Parliament (PAP), and NEPAD (New Path for Africa’s Development) for improved quality of life for children.
To date CRNSA has presence in 9 SADC countries, namelyBotswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia,South Africa, Tanzania and Swaziland.
We are responsible for improving SADC regional governance to protect and promote the rights of children.
We were established in 2012 to provide a Pan African regional child rights network for SADC countries.
Children in Namibia orphaned by AIDS.
Million Children in South Africa living in poverty
Children head households in South Africa
Of girls in Mozambique married by age 17
Our Responsibility
is to improve SADC regional governance to protect and promote the rights of children
CRNSA aims at collecting, collating and disseminating the scattered data about children’s rights, to inform, unify and facilitate interventions across the SADC region.
CRNSA is building formal structures to provide leadership and governance for child rights institutions and organizations as well as to support their capacity, credibility and legitimacy.
We aim at addressing the lack of knowledge on the ground and bridge the gaps between legislation and community awareness which is impeding protection and respect for children’s rights.
Millions of children in Africa are missing out on their right to protection, education and adequate care during childhood.
Child rights advocacy has been weak at both country and regional level across the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). There are inconsistencies in international and regional reporting to treaty bodies like the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Committee and the African Charter on the Rights and the Welfare of the Child Committee of Experts.
The domestication of ratified treaties on child rights issues has been poor in most Southern African countries. Child rights are therefore inadequately provided for in the law, resource allocation and policy making.
Weak advocacy for children’s rights at country level affects regional efforts. CRNSA has therefore been mandated by the Pan African Parliament to spearhead all child rights advocacy in the SADC region.
Our Vision
A Southern Africa where children’s rights are protected, promoted and fulfilled.
Our Mission
To promote practices and policies in the SADC that fulfil children’s rights and welfare through national networks, and engage with regional and international institutions to improve quality of life for children.
Every child deserves a childhood
Your membership of CRNSA is vital. Together we can do so much more and we can share so much more. Members benefit from having a platform to engage on, and from many opportunities for networking, resources and training. Please contact CRNSA to find out more.
Strategic Plan
CRNSA arose out of a realization that the promotion of children’s rights faced the same legal, administrative, budgetary and attitudinal gaps, weaknesses, problems and challenges across Southern African
Capacity building and strengthening·
Research, lobbying and advocacy
Communication and dissemination of information·
Child rights monitoring, evaluation and reporting·
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Advocacy groups and legislative bodies have been actively working to address pressing issues, such as access to quality education, protection against exploitation, and the promotion of inclusive social policies.